When Realync co-founders, Matt Weirich & Ani Rangarajan, first started investigating the idea of starting Realync, 4G was just budding and reliability was not even a part of the discussion at that point. Oh how far we have come. 5+ years later and now 3G is an after thought or punishment anytime you see your phone enter it. We’re entering the years where having anything under 5 MB / second internet speed won’t cut it.
Though we may look back and feel like we are completely spoiled right now with how fast our internet speeds are, we also have significantly more devices pulling on that internet and requiring increased speeds. This certainly stands true for leasing professionals and multifamily communities in general.
So where are internet speeds going from here? What can we expect as internet demands continue to increase?
4G vs 5G
Most people have heard the term 5G thrown around in terms of internet speed. But what is it really and how does it compare to 4G?
5G is the next iteration of mobile internet connectivity. There are three major improvements that 5G can bring to internet customers: greater speed, lower latency, and the ability to connect more devices at once. The greater speed allows users to move considerably more data than 4G technology, the lower latency means a much more responsive experience and more connected devices? Well, that’s just how it sounds.
Initially, all 5G devices will need to lean on 4G to make connections before moving to 5G in those places where it is available. And, of course, 4G will continue to improve its own capabilities. However, the cutting-edge technology and research means that 5G will soon be able to provide much faster connections to the tune of average download speeds around 1 GB/s are expected to soon be the norm.
5G development is moving fast and furious. Mobile networks are looking to launch throughout the world by 2020. In fact, AT&T announced earlier this year that it will first roll out 5G to three locations: Dallas, Texas; Waco, Texas; and Atlanta, Georgia. But the rolling out of 5G shouldn’t create problems for current technology. 5G technologies will continue to work alongside existing 3G and 4G technology to provide speedier connections that stay connected throughout the world.
The New Wi-Fi
When shopping around for the best internet options for a property, owners are likely to find quite a few network types. From fiber to DSL to cable – there is no shortage of opinions on which version of Wi-Fi is the best. The internet is filled with blog posts and articles touting one over the other. So, which is best? The short answer? It depends.
Fiber is short for fiber optic internet. This type of connection transfers data via fiber optic cables. DSL stands for Direct Subscriber Line and delivers internet connection via telephone lines. Cable delivers Internet via coaxial television cable.
Because of the nature of the fiber optic cables, fiber tends to be much faster than both cable and DSL – both of which are mainly delivered via copper lines. But, DSL and cable tend to be much more economical options. Not to mention that fiber is only available in 25% of the country.
However, much like fiber is only available in certain areas, internet speed is different from state to state. So it’s important to know what’s available within the state and how fast average speeds in the state are. Curious about a certain state’s internet speed? Check out this article and see where certain states rank from fastest to slowest internet speeds. Not to spoil it but…sorry, Idaho.
The truth is, fiber, DSL, and cable all have their benefits and it is up to the user to decide which works best for them. No matter what the Wi-Fi line feeding the building, properties need to be equipped with the latest in technology in order to push those speeds out to the increasing amount of devices connected to the network.
Pushing successful, high quality live video streams across a wide variety of devices and signal strengths is critical. The internet is changing faster than most can keep up with, but it’s the job of property owners to stay on top of keeping their residents and leasing teams connected.
Worried about your ability to live stream video tours? Don’t be. The Realync platform is built on the latest live streaming technology to enable successful, high quality live streams across a wide variety of devices and signal strengths. By staying on top of all of the changes in technology, Realync ensures that connectivity is not a concern when touring a prospective resident through your community!
Until next time…keep it real!