You’ll need a solid marketing plan to get quality prospects in your pipeline to ultimately lease up your community. And, property technology can help you accomplish just that!
These three tools are great additions if you’re looking to level up your lease-up marketing technology stack.
Automated Email Campaigns
You might be thinking, “Isn’t email dead?” No – it’s not! And, we’re not sure where that rumor started. In fact, 4 out of 5 marketers said they’d rather give up social media than email marketing. Email may not be the most cutting edge marketing tool in your lease-up property toolkit, but it is inexpensive, has a great return on investment, and has a proven track record of success. Those are critical factors for properties in the lease-up period to consider in their marketing technology.
Most prospects use Google to look for available apartments. Once they find one, they most likely call or email the community. This is when automated emails help properties in the lease-up stage to qualify prospects without too much of a drain on the leasing team.
One way to do this is by partnering with a company like helps your team create effective experiences for prospects by supporting automated email campaigns. This technology can help with automating initial communication responses, making that communication process with prospects streamlined and integrated. can also integrate video into those communications. This brings us to our next tool – video technology!
Video Technology
Finding ways to incorporate video is a strong addition to your lease-up strategy. The best way to get and keep prospects interested is to integrate video into your marketing plan for leasing apartments from the lease-up stage to move-in day. It helps paint the picture of a property before prospects can actually see the property. Then, while the property is being built, video can continue to tell the story, helping to pull prospects the rest of the way to a signed lease.
With technology like, it’s easy to pull videos into your email templates. Plus, it’s a great way to showcase your creative side – get personalized in those emails!
Including video in emails will increase open rates, click rates, and response rates. In fact, 87% of marketers reported that video gives them a positive ROI.
Adding QR Codes
That’s right – QR codes are having a resurgence thanks in part to the pandemic. These are great, inexpensive (or free!) tools that can easily fit in your lease-up marketing.
In early development when there isn’t much product to see, add QR codes to your banners on the fence or to other external signage. QR codes can also be added to business cards and brochures. Especially if there isn’t a leasing office just yet, a QR code can help interested prospects see the concept and reach out with their interest. If you do have the leasing office built, include a sign on the door that people can scan as they go by. These QR codes can lead to your website, a specific landing page or a video. There is a lot of flexibility with these once your prospect scans the code. They help prospects get to know more about your property and team – and you can learn a little more about them.
Another great part of QR codes? Analytics! You can capture data that allows for great insights into how these codes are being used and how prospects interact with the content.
The beautiful part about all of these tools is they are automated and easy to scale. That’s great for lease-up marketing. In a lease-up period, you might be working with a skeleton crew or just don’t have a lot of team members on deck yet. Resources are tight – email, video and QR codes allow for easy usage and high ROI. So, if you’re looking for ways to enhance your lease-up marketing technology stack, these three are definitely the right place to start!
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